I became enchanted with them, I wanted wear their clothes, I wanted to be them. I firstly wanted to be Audrey Hepburn, but her elfin frame and pixie looks did not match my tall frame and blonde hair. So I moved on to Grace Kelly and Bridgett Bardot. Grace Kelly is just like her name suggests graceful, and so lady like. She was the queen of big handbags. I have however always favored Bridgett Bardot make up and style as apposed to Grace Kellys .I once got told that I looked a bit like Bridgett, not sure I do but I love that person forever anyway ;-) My sister Sophie infact does look a little bit like her but anyway.... For years I have always done the smokey eye and nude lips.. I love the messy hair and the free attitude and of course the 70's style. During the summer I tend to channel more Grace kelly than Bridgett but this winter I'll definitely be supporting the smokey eye look and for free of charge DJ has said he will help me achieve the messy hair look. How kind of you DJ!
Here are a few photos of Bridgett that have inspired me this season.

Me doing my best Bridgett Bardot impression

Sophie Doing her best BB impression

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