Were off again, this time to London. I have to go for a few work meetings which is very exciting and of course the jet setting baby is coming with me. My family live in London so its going to be fun as well as work. They don't get to see DJ very often so they will spoil him rotten, which like any boy he loves. I am also going to try and fit in some old friends while I am there too, so its going to be jam packed 2 days
I find my self facing the same old dilemma of what to pack, I need outfits for coffee morning with friends, 3 business lunch's, one audition and 2 family dinners!?.. I also have the slight problem of having to try and fit all of my things and DJ's in to one suitcase. For such a little person DJ sure takes up a lot of my case. This time I am also going to bring two sets of outfits for every occasion. I have been running out the door in the past, I go to give my honey a kiss goodbye and BLAH lunch all over me! I am not going to be caught out while over seas. I am two steps ahead of you kiddo!
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