This time of year always plays havoc on my skin. With going from freezing cold conditions outside to the dry warm air inside, it gets dry and itchy and patchy. There are so many lotions and potions on the market and a lot of them are so expensive so I have taken it upon my self to find some products that wont break the bank.
With out a doubt my favorite face cleaner is Cetaphil, you can get this from any drug store and its cheap as chips. It doesn't foam so it wont strip the skin off its natural oils. Its so gentle its even safe for our little ones.
I don't use a toner in the winter because I find that even too harsh for my skin. Instead I use a face cloth with warm water and just hold it over my face for a min then splash my face with cold water to tone the skin. The worst thing you can do in the winter is use hot water. Even with your showers try keep it warm and not hot, even though the temptation is there to have a hot shower, it will really dry up your skin.
Olay do a great night time and day time moisturizer that you can also get in drug stores, Olay Regenerist Mirco Sculpting cream is my favorite night cream. This moisturizer is an ultra-rich formula that's beloved because of its secret ingredient: hyaluronic acid. This works to moisturize dehydrated skin while diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. An Allure Magazine 2010 Readers' Choice Award winner.
Another day time favorite of mine, which is a little more expensive is Estee Lauder DayWear Plus. It has SPF15 in it so it will still protect you from the glare of the winter sun. Even if you cant see it.

For the body I love Shea Butter, its thick and smells yummy.
Last tip drink lots of water keep Hydrated