I am that annoying customer who will make the poor man open every tree so I can see what it looks like. I will pace up and down the 100's of rows of christmas trees but still insist that they open the ones in the very back. After an hour of searching Andrew always gives me a 5 min warning.. choose or we get the skinny one that looks slightly sad in the corner. This year I was Monica Gellar on speed. As its DJ's first tree it had to picture perfect. We drove around to 3 different places for 2 days. I made poor Andrew open them all in one place, once I found out the trees had been cut down more than 2 weeks ago, I said we had to leave, they would be dead by the time christmas day rolled around. So yesterday we woke up with a mission to find our tree. We went to a little place in Dalkey Dublin where there is a dainty little christmas shop and lots of lovely smelling trees. I paced and I looked, I poked and I prodded. Andrew opened some trees up and so did the lovely tree man, Andrew in a bid to hurry me up says "That one there thats it" I look over to a tree coved in his wrapper, "How on earth do you know thats our tree" Then as the netting fell to the floor, there it was, not to skinny not to fat not to tall just right. Andrew beaming that he was right, even though it was a complete guess, will not let me live it down, at least until next year anyway.
So we got it home and decorated our first christmas tree with our little boy. I of course will go back down late at night and re arrange all the decorations the boys put on ;-)
Happy Tree hunting people, cant wait to see your photos of christmas trees.
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