This time last year I was pregnant and could not wait to get my baby out! The days dragged by. I hated being pregnant. I was not one of this women who relished being pregnant, I didn't have the pregnancy glow, or the long flowing locks. I had the sweats and frizzy hair! The last few weeks I couldn't walk because of crippling sciatica so that seemed to make the days longer. I dreamed of the day I would hold my baby. That day came on the 18th February this year. Since that first special moment I held him, it seems life has gone on turbo charge and time is flying by. I am desperately trying to hang on to every precious moment with him. Its been 7 months and I have seen my little baby turn in to a little boy with a cheeky smile. I get choked up every time I think of him, or hear a song with any lyrics with "Your my baby" Sad I know.
This morning DJ was in bed with my and we were having our morning chats, and he kept giggling as he pushed my hair out of my face. I just wanted to pause this moment, and stay here for ever, just the 3 of us all cozy in our bed. I remember once asking my father " Do you wish we were still babies" and he replied "No because every stage is just as magic as the last" I am trying to remember this as DJ grows before my very eyes. But I keep getting flashes of him leaving home going off to college..
I'm right there with you! My daughter, Scarlett, was born on January 19, 2010 and I can feel her baby-ness slipping through my fingers! It makes me sad, but I'm trying to just soak it all in and look forward to the next stage! DJ is such a cute little guy!
ReplyDeleteThank you . He is a cheeky chap thats for sure. He is just growing up so quickly. he is trying to crawl but i keep pushing him down.. (jks) x