It is so easy to get so caught up in the baby, that its easy to forget about your self. How many time's have you not had time to eat, take a shower, get dressed! When do mums ever take 5 min for them selves? We are forever juggling home, work, baby that taking time for us is very low down on the list.
Its all to easy to not have a shower or to stay in our pajamas all day. Were too tired, too much to do, the excuses are endless. In reality we can all take 5 for our selves. Its actually very important for our well-being, our relationships , self esteem and in general how we feel about our selves.
As I have mentioned before I suffered with Post natal depression, it was a struggle to do anything. But dragging my self up getting in the shower putting a bit of bronzer on made a huge difference in my mood.
Work it in to your routine. I get up in the morning and feed Dj his bottle and make a cup of tea for myself. We then sit down to watch the news and have a play. At 10 am wether he is tired or not I will put him in his crib and put on his music mobile. I close the door and jump in the shower. I know he is fed, safe and doesn't have a dirty nappy so if he whines, well then so be it. He can whinge!I am not being mean, I am being realistic. Every min of my day is devoted to my son, so I am going to be a little selfish and take a bit of time to gather my thoughts. After the shower, I slather on some yummy body shop body butter,and I put on my uniform. Either Black leggings and a long pretty top, or a pair of flattering jeans and a t shirt. Make up is incredible simple. I have it down to a fine art. On a washed face I slather on Estee Lauder SPF15 moisturizer, If I am going out I will use a little of Olay tinted Moisturizer, which hides any signs of a bad night, my hula bronzer on under my cheek bones, forehead, and jaw line (being careful to blend) a little blusher on the cheeks, and Lancome drama mascara and voila.. I look semi normal.
All of that will take me 15 min.
Do you have a morning routine? How do you take a little a time for your self?

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