As a new mum I am learning how to juggle a career and being a yummy mummy. See what works for me and what goes horribly wrong.
Wednesday, September 29
Wordless Wednesday
Pampers big kiss,
Tuesday, September 28
Pampers Big Kiss
Yesterday I went over to the UNCIEF Head Quarters in London. After a 5 am start and a race to catch the plane a long taxi ride later, I pulled up outside the UNCIEF grey building. After 3 hours of listening to some amazing speakers, I walked away feeling inspired and wanting to do anything and everything I could to help. The reason I was there was to help cure tetanus in developing countries. Tetanus is something we don't hear about in our countries, but its a real problem in over 42 of the poorer countries. But it doesn't have to be that way. A simple vaccine given to a mother and child can cure this. Over 100 million women have been treated and have gone on to have healthy babies, but there are 170 million mothers and children still at risk.Tetanus is a medical condition that kills babies and their mothers by prolonged contractions of the muscles. It is contracted by an open wound not being treated properly. In developing countries, most women give birth in their mud huts and have the umbilical cord cut with a rusty object . Because they have not had the vaccine the babies usually die in the first 8 days.
Pampers and UNCIEF have joined forces to try and wipe out tetanus, and this is where YOU come in. Yes YOU, not just, you with the baby, but you with your skinny 24 inch waist and no kids, You with your suit, You sitting with your grandchildren, we need your help. Not only are Pampers doing a "buy one pack of pampers, donate one vaccine" promotion but they are doing the BIGKISS campaign. Where all you have to do it click on my lovely red lips over in the right hand bar and voila you have donated a vaccine. But We do really really really need your help, as you can only donate one vaccine, I need you to send this link to everyone you know and get them to press on the lips. Send a virtual kiss, save a life. These babies are someone's baby, sister, brother,niece, nephew, grandchild.
Tetanus is something that we can cure in the next few years so come on lets do this. We have 4 weeks to get as many virtual kisses as possible.
Friday, September 24
I have a green tea in one hand baby in the other, but I just wanted to share with you all really quickly how very excited I am to be flying over to the UNICEF head quarters on Monday to team up with Pampers to do something really special... I've only just started my little old blog so was very honored to be invited over. Ill be giving a full report and explaining all on Monday. I am sick at the moment so I am going to snuggle up on the sofa with my little man. How can I not get better with this little face

Enjoy your weekend
Enjoy your weekend
New Trends for 2011
2009/2010 was the year of the Jeggings. Leggings that look like Jeans, but not as comfy. Now unless you look like Sienna Miller this trend was not for you! and defiantly not for ME. I personally found jeggings HIDEOUS. In-fact even my super skinny sister and Sienna Miller look questionable in them!

NY Fashion week 2011 saw Michael Kors bringing out the love child of the sweatpants and Jeans, affectionately known as Jweats. I actually really like this trend. Its perfect for us Yummy Mummies. They are comfy and cute and perfect for school runs,picking up the groceries, and coffee mornings. Unlike sweatpants that can be very unforgiving to your bum, Jweats give you the same shape as jeans would. Add with a pair of wedgies to elongate the legs and make your bum look that extra bit perky.
Another trend I am loving for 2011 is the re return of the wide leg trousers. They were seen on practically every runway at NY Fashion week. They are super flattering and again are comfy and practical, add with a pair of boots and a polo neck jumper, and you have a great winter outfit. Marc by Marc Jaobs, Tory Burch, Jason Wu, and a more affordable Tommy Hilfiger all have super cute ones.
I've always been a big big big fan of maxi dresses, especially the ultra fashionable and flattering halter neck dresses. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw these dresses sashaying down the run way. Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, and Vena Cava .
Now I am off to go find my self a pair of Jweats!

NY Fashion week 2011 saw Michael Kors bringing out the love child of the sweatpants and Jeans, affectionately known as Jweats. I actually really like this trend. Its perfect for us Yummy Mummies. They are comfy and cute and perfect for school runs,picking up the groceries, and coffee mornings. Unlike sweatpants that can be very unforgiving to your bum, Jweats give you the same shape as jeans would. Add with a pair of wedgies to elongate the legs and make your bum look that extra bit perky.

Another trend I am loving for 2011 is the re return of the wide leg trousers. They were seen on practically every runway at NY Fashion week. They are super flattering and again are comfy and practical, add with a pair of boots and a polo neck jumper, and you have a great winter outfit. Marc by Marc Jaobs, Tory Burch, Jason Wu, and a more affordable Tommy Hilfiger all have super cute ones.

I've always been a big big big fan of maxi dresses, especially the ultra fashionable and flattering halter neck dresses. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw these dresses sashaying down the run way. Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, and Vena Cava .

Now I am off to go find my self a pair of Jweats!
Donna Karan,
Michael Kors,
New trends for 2011
Wednesday, September 22

It is so easy to get so caught up in the baby, that its easy to forget about your self. How many time's have you not had time to eat, take a shower, get dressed! When do mums ever take 5 min for them selves? We are forever juggling home, work, baby that taking time for us is very low down on the list.
Its all to easy to not have a shower or to stay in our pajamas all day. Were too tired, too much to do, the excuses are endless. In reality we can all take 5 for our selves. Its actually very important for our well-being, our relationships , self esteem and in general how we feel about our selves.
As I have mentioned before I suffered with Post natal depression, it was a struggle to do anything. But dragging my self up getting in the shower putting a bit of bronzer on made a huge difference in my mood.
Work it in to your routine. I get up in the morning and feed Dj his bottle and make a cup of tea for myself. We then sit down to watch the news and have a play. At 10 am wether he is tired or not I will put him in his crib and put on his music mobile. I close the door and jump in the shower. I know he is fed, safe and doesn't have a dirty nappy so if he whines, well then so be it. He can whinge!I am not being mean, I am being realistic. Every min of my day is devoted to my son, so I am going to be a little selfish and take a bit of time to gather my thoughts. After the shower, I slather on some yummy body shop body butter,and I put on my uniform. Either Black leggings and a long pretty top, or a pair of flattering jeans and a t shirt. Make up is incredible simple. I have it down to a fine art. On a washed face I slather on Estee Lauder SPF15 moisturizer, If I am going out I will use a little of Olay tinted Moisturizer, which hides any signs of a bad night, my hula bronzer on under my cheek bones, forehead, and jaw line (being careful to blend) a little blusher on the cheeks, and Lancome drama mascara and voila.. I look semi normal.
All of that will take me 15 min.
Do you have a morning routine? How do you take a little a time for your self?

make up,
make up for busy mothers
Wednesday, September 15
Falls favorite

It hardly seems fair that after 7 months of sleepless nights, my son wakes up in the morning looking fresh as a daisy and I, well I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. In a desperate attempt to try and get the glow back in my skin I went on a hunt to find the perfect pick me up, and I FOUND IT!!!!!!!! Let me introduce my new best friend Lancome - Genifique Youth Activating Serum. TaDa...
This miracle in a bottle does everything it says on the package.. It will bring back even the dullest of skin, to look like you still get your 8 hrs a night and of course drink 2 bottles of Evan water a day!
Its light weight and feels so luxurious on your skin its like a little mini pampering session in your own bathroom.
Its a little pricey but the 75 Euro price tag is defiantly worth it.
Tuesday, September 14
What did you just say?
I thought DJ was teething at 3 months old. How wrong I was!. This week teething has taken on a whole new meaning. My lovely happy little chappy has been replaced with a cranky whingy little boy. His cheeks are bright red, I am changing his bibs every 30 min. He is chomping on everything, He is super clingy and he is not sleeping at all!!! Now I have never had the best sleeper in the world, but this is taking the cake. He will just not sleep at all. I have even taken him in to the bed with me. He still wont sleep. Last night, DJ's daddy was at a stag so it was just me and the little man. After a stressful day of not being able to put Dj down, having him hanging off me all day, I was so looking forward to 8pm when I could put him down to bed and hope and pray I would get a few hours to myself. After a few hours of singing, rocking, swaying, teetha, bonjella, and calpol he finally fell asleep around 8pm. I then collapsed in to bed myself. After an hour and half the crying starts. There he is on his tummy looking around. A few hours later and he is still not asleep I bring him in to bed with me. He still wont sleep! I am dosing off and I leave him chatting away to him self. He is babbling and blowing bubbles then I hear DaDa DaDa.. Suddenly I am awake and smiling.. Its his first word. He has no idea what he is saying, but hey I ll take it . His first word! I wanted him to keep saying it then. Its funny how babies seem to know when they have almost pushed you to the limit, they will do something so cute, all is forgiven.
Sunday, September 12
Sunday Markets
One of my favorite days of the week is Sunday. I love Sundays for many reasons but one of them is the Sunday markets. I go down with my basket and browse the fresh veggies, meat and fish stalls. They have yummy olives and different cheeses with pestos and hummus. Food stalls from all corners of the world and an assortment of teas, my personal favorite. We headed down today with my gorgeous friend Angi and DJ's girlfriend Amalie. We browsed the stalls and sat soaking in the last of the summer rays. I couldn't help my self in taking some pictures of the babies while they were checking out the activity.
Hope you have all had a lovely Sunday

Hope you have all had a lovely Sunday
Friday, September 10
Watch out Martha Stewart

I was one of those lucky children that grew up in a loving home, where our house always smelled like my mums home cooking. My mother was always cooking yummy treats like brownies, chocolate cake and cookies. Since Dylan has moved on to solid foods I thought it was about time I learned how to cook. I was given a great cookery book called "How to look good in the Kitchen" Now this fantastic book not only told you how much time you had to paint your nails, while your potatoes boiled but it also taught you fool proof dishes that would impress even the most experienced chef. However it didn't include baby dishes. As much as DJ loves his food, he isn't ready for cock au van just yet! So step in Annabel Carmel. This book is a must for all new mums. It tells your what your baby can eat at what stage, what foods are easy to start with and it comes with recipes so easy to follow even your baby could follow them. In fact some of the recipes are so good I even have them my self for dinner.
I am also obsessed with baking this month. It started when I had to bake a cake for Amalie's (DJ's girlfriend) christening. Ever since then I haven't been able to stop. Now my waist line is not too happy about this, nor is my man, who is accusing me of being a feeder.... But I adore the smell of the fresh brownies wafting from the kitchen.
I have the fondest memories making brownies with my own mum when I was little, licking the chocolaty batter off the spoon, and waiting patiently or not so patiently by the oven. I am really looking forward to the day when I can bake with DJ. Those are the memories that stay with you forever.
I'll just have to work a little harder in the gym ;-)

Thursday, September 9
Fashion Fashion Fashion
Last night my gorgeous friend Holly took me to the Harvey Nichols fashion show in the Harvey Nichols store in Dundrum shopping center.
But Last night everything I saw was Amazing! Everything was very very wearable. In fact a bit too wearable, I managed to write down at least 10 things I wanted, and tallied up a bill in my head for at least 10 grand! I wish!
I was totally inspired by the clothes that I wanted to come home and chuck out all my old clothes and start again. Paul and Joe sister tuxedo jacket was just divine and the Alice and Olivia black embellished cape were my favorites of the night.

The other thing I usually don't like about fashion shows is the fact that all the clothes are madly expensive. However all the clothes were reasonably priced. After the fashion show most people mingled around the clothes and bought a few items. I did walk away empty handed, but armed with a list to give to my man. Christmas is coming don't you know! ;-)
Sunday, September 5
It's all about the Knits...
This morning I woke up and Autumn was in the air. Over night the air temperature dropped, and the leaves have started to change colour. Its time to say good bye to little summer dresses and hello to cozy clothes.
This season I am all about the Knits. I am obsessed. I want everything in Knit wear.
For us yummy mummies there is this yummy cardie

For the Jet setting babies there is this beautiful cardigan from Mamas and Papas

For our yummy mummy feet there are these slippers from UGG...

Then if we have'nt had enought kint wear .. get ready for it.. I am so excited... there are PILLOWS ... YIPPEEEE

I actually cant cope! Isn't it just so lovely and cozy?
Bring on the winter..
This season I am all about the Knits. I am obsessed. I want everything in Knit wear.
For us yummy mummies there is this yummy cardie

For the Jet setting babies there is this beautiful cardigan from Mamas and Papas

For our yummy mummy feet there are these slippers from UGG...

Then if we have'nt had enought kint wear .. get ready for it.. I am so excited... there are PILLOWS ... YIPPEEEE

I actually cant cope! Isn't it just so lovely and cozy?
Bring on the winter..
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