We are just home from a long weekend away in Northern Ireland. For this lovely little 3 day adventure we took 1 suitcase, 2 medium size bags, One rather large Nappy (diaper) Bag, 1 buggy, papoose,3 plastic bags filled with bottles, yoghurts, baby porridge fruit and water and finally 3 stuffed toys. From the look of us you would think we were leaving the country for good. This to me was traveling light. There really is so much to take for a baby.
SO long are the days where you can just up n go. We hadn't even got to the end of our road and I had forgotten something. The check list was about 2 pages long. We were only going for 3 days and I am pretty sure up north they have super markets. So why the need to bring so much stuff?? Well I have no idea to be honest.
All I know is that I have this urge to write lists, to be prepared for every eventuality. I know we aren't going to get stuck in a snow storm in the middle of the summer, but what if we are? I know they do have super markets with baby milk and nappies but what if they don't! I think its a mum thing. I know its a me thing.
I used to be able to just go didn't think about anything, if I forgot something, I could buy it. It didn't matter, but now having a baby I have to have everything packed and ready to go. So I just about packed everything bar the kitchen sink. Probably would have taken that too if it wasn't plumbed in.
The car journey wasn't too bad, Dj just slept and we stopped the odd time to feed/ change him. ONce we got out of the car and reached our destination he was like a jack in the box. All that traveling had made him restless and somewhere along the way he had picked up some testosterone. He was banging things, flinging his arms around, getting a little aggressive and trying to eat my finger!
We had a wonderful few days away but as for relaxing it wasn't. Not being in our own home made Dj very clingy and I had no where to put him. We were staying in a relatives beach house and it wasn't very baby friendly. So I had to carry him everywhere with me. He has just turned 5 months and we are now in the stage of not wanting to be with anyone but mummy or daddy. The nights were just terrible. He was awake every hour. Now I know that we were in a new place and everything was different so we had him in our bed with us. It was a very large bed! He didn't sleep at all. THought this was great fun and was giggling and and chatting all night. 2nd night I went to a different room to try and sleep and my 2 boys slept down stairs. Of course it was a gale force wind that night and my room was right on the sea. I thought the windows were going to smash and the double doors were going to bust open. 3 am I crept down stairs like a little girl and swapped places with my man. So I was stuck on a rather uncomfortable bed, with a baby who no matter how big the bed was or how far away he was from me he managed to find away to be stuck right under my arm pit!. Brave little boy!
Morning couldn't come fast enough. enough was enough. Two nights of no sleep and we were exhausted. We cut our little trip short to come back home. I never thought Id see the day where I wanted to come home. We made our apologies and excused our selves. Packed up the jeep and made our way home.
Dj is now fast asleep in his bed and I am going to follow shortly.
I think for now this jet setting mummy is going to leave her bags where they are for a little longer, until Dj is at least 6 months old ;-)
Next trip London town...
but for now a place called the land of nod..
Good night
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